Many people don’t have a lack of belief, but simply a lack of understanding. That is the problem. We must help people understand. Don’t judge someone until you understand what they understand. And in the process of understanding both of you will grow.
Belief is progression. It is some of the most beautiful progress a person can have. To start with nothing and then to grow the emptiness into something you believe is a magnificent process.
Jesus Christ doesn’t just help us move past our sins but he actually understands what goes into our sins. How powerful is that? He knows the thoughts and feelings that go behind every action and He gets it. He knows the temptation and the pain and heartache that accompany our lives on a daily constant basis. His atonement covers the sin but also the path that led to that sin. Many times that is the emotion healing that we need from Him. I know that He can literally change our hearts and make us new. Our spirits can be made so strong and vibrant that we react differently to the same temptations and heartache. That is the power of our all understanding savior.
I had a great week. One of the most educational and learning weeks of my life. I have never felt so close to the spirit or relied on God so much. Time was spent in earnest prayer on my knees and the feeling of God very close to me came time and time again. We have 4 people who are preparing and are very close to baptism. As I plead for them and try and understand how to help them, I gain such insight of the reality of this journey each of us is on. God really does love us and this gospel really does answer every single question. Having faith is a precious thing and never should be discredited. Faith is continuing to culture our belief and acting and growing and making room for more light to come. It is a very precious thing to have.
I got to sit down and have a temple recommend interview with my mission president. It was very special for me because I realized that the questions he asked and I had to answer were exactly the principles and truths that I am teaching people about every single day. Answering was more than just a yes for me because each question brought a face to mind and a lesson I had taught, and I was able to remember when together we had learned to truth of the principles. I know all these things are true. My mission has brought me far past the believing stage and I truly know with all my heart many things now. I have no doubts or concerns left in some aspects of the gospel. I feel humbled to be able to say that with certainty. Belief is a beautiful progression, faith is precious and needed and knowing- well that leaves a person speechless and humbled. Knowing is what we will all one day eventually achieve. I know that is true J
Love Sis Huber